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An Avoided Conversation Can Non-Christians Go to Heaven?【電子書籍】[ Roland Niemetschek ] An Avoided Conversation Can Non-Christians Go to Heaven?【電子書籍】[ Roland Niemetschek ] 1,372 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Have you ever wondered whether people who are not Christians can go to heaven? This question seems to be avoided in many churches. Why is that? Could it be that it raises other challenging questions?</strong></p> <ul> <li>Where does a "no" answer lead?</li> <li>Where does a "yes" answer take us?</li> </ul> <p>Roland takes the reader to the place where it is best to deal with difficult q・・・(以下省略)
Roland Allen's the Ministry of Expansion The Priesthood of the Laity【電子書籍】[ Roland Allen ] Roland Allen's the Ministry of Expansion The Priesthood of the Laity【電子書籍】[ Roland Allen ] 1,162 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Roland Allen was one of the most influential mission thinkers of the twentieth century. As a High Church Anglican, he had great respect and value for Church tradition, but was quick to confront cultural preferences when they appeared to contradict biblical prescriptions.The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity reflects his thoughts that dealt with Communion-related activities in t・・・(以下省略)
The Ocean of God On the Transreligious Future of Religions【電子書籍】[ Roland Faber ] The Ocean of God On the Transreligious Future of Religions【電子書籍】[ Roland Faber ] 5,493 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>‘The Ocean of God’conveys the proposition that the future of religions, if they will not want to contribute to the destruction of humanity, will become transreligious. Based on the assumption that the spiritual impulse of humanity cannot simply be eradicated, religiosity will persist in transreligious forms, as secularizations, naturalizations and transhumanist dreams only envision such transfo・・・(以下省略)
The Ocean of God On the Transreligious Future of Religions【電子書籍】[ Roland Faber ] The Ocean of God On the Transreligious Future of Religions【電子書籍】[ Roland Faber ] 5,170 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>‘The Ocean of God’conveys the proposition that the future of religions, if they will not want to contribute to the destruction of humanity, will become transreligious. Based on the assumption that the spiritual impulse of humanity cannot simply be eradicated, religiosity will persist in transreligious forms, as secularizations, naturalizations and transhumanist dreams only envision such transfo・・・(以下省略)
L'erreur judiciaire - De Jeanne d'Arc ? Roland Agret【電子書籍】[ Beno?t Garnot ] L'erreur judiciaire - De Jeanne d'Arc ? Roland Agret【電子書籍】[ Beno?t Garnot ] 2,452 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>≪ Intol?rable anomalie ≫, l'erreur judiciaire s'av?re riche d'enseignements sur l'application du droit et sur l'?tat des soci?t?s qui la g?n?re. Comment, selon les ?poques, se produit-elle ? Provient-elle d'une simple d?faillance humaine ou d'un dysfonctionnement plus profond ? Pourquoi se trouve-t-elle parfois au c?ur de v?ritables luttes id?ologiques ? Les pratiques judiciaires seraient-elles・・・(以下省略)
The Ocean of God On the Transreligious Future of Religions【電子書籍】[ Roland Faber ] The Ocean of God On the Transreligious Future of Religions【電子書籍】[ Roland Faber ] 5,170 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>‘The Ocean of God’conveys the proposition that the future of religions, if they will not want to contribute to the destruction of humanity, will become transreligious. Based on the assumption that the spiritual impulse of humanity cannot simply be eradicated, religiosity will persist in transreligious forms, as secularizations, naturalizations and transhumanist dreams only envision such transfo・・・(以下省略)
Lyon industriel【電子書籍】[ Racine Roland ] Lyon industriel【電子書籍】[ Racine Roland ] 2,263 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>L’industrie lyonnaise a d?but? au milieu du XVIIe si?cle avec la soierie, dont la profession s’est organis?e au sein de ce qu’on a appel? la Grande Fabrique. Une premi?re r?volution industrielle a apport? de nombreuses innovations. La Fabrique renoue alors avec la croissance et une industrie chimique se cr?e pour r?pondre ? ses besoins. A partir de 1840, le charbon de la Loire et le fer des min・・・(以下省略)
Nivelle : L'Inconnu du Chemin des Dames【電子書籍】[ Denis Rolland ] Nivelle : L'Inconnu du Chemin des Dames【電子書籍】[ Denis Rolland ] 2,452 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>≪ Le p?re de tous les maux, l’incapable, le boucher, la baderne ≫, les qualificatifs p?joratifs ne manquent pas pour d?signer le c?l?bre g?n?ral Nivelle, consid?r? comme le responsable du terrible d?sastre du Chemin des Dames, de la d?moralisation des soldats et des mutineries de 1917. Pourtant Nivelle demeure un inconnu. Sans m?moires, sans biographie, son souvenir reste ? jamais masqu? par l’・・・(以下省略)
Physiologie du go?t【電子書籍】[ Roland Barthes ] Physiologie du go?t【電子書籍】[ Roland Barthes ] 3,207 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Le plus c?l?bre trait? de gastronomie fran?ais est en m?me temps un manuel de savoir-vivre et une description de la soci?t? riche et heureuse du temps de Louis-Philippe.</p> <p>Pr?s de deux si?cles apr?s la mort de Brillat-Savarin, on reste confondu par la diversit? des talents et des lumi?res de ce haut magistrat, aussi f?ru de belles-lettres que de bonne cuisine. ?uvre de toute une vie, la Ph・・・(以下省略)
Lyon 1914-1918【電子書籍】[ Racine Roland ] Lyon 1914-1918【電子書籍】[ Racine Roland ] 1,603 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Lorsque l’Allemagne d?clare la guerre ? la France le 3 ao?t 1914, l’ouverture des hostilit?s surprend Lyon en pleine Exposition internationale urbaine. Lyon, qui a une r?putation hospitali?re ?tablie, se transforme rapidement en un vaste h?pital soignant les bless?s rapatri?s du front. Sa situation g?ographique proche de la Suisse en fait une plaque tournante strat?gique. De nombreux r?fugi?s a・・・(以下省略)
Les Indig?nes【電子書籍】[ Andr? Roland ] Les Indig?nes【電子書籍】[ Andr? Roland ] 1,508 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Jusqu’aux ann?es 1960, l’empire colonial fran?ais a ?t? d?fendu par des unit?s militaires tr?s sp?cifiques. En Afrique du Nord, des r?giments de chasseurs indig?nes, devenus tirailleurs, ainsi qu’une cavalerie l?g?re, dont les spahis, furent mis en place. M?haristes et goumiers compl?t?rent le dispositif au Sahara pendant que des r?giments de zouaves ?taient constitu?s, cette fois avec des Fran・・・(以下省略)
La Gr?ve des tranch?es - Les mutineries de 1917【電子書籍】[ Denis Rolland ] La Gr?ve des tranch?es - Les mutineries de 1917【電子書籍】[ Denis Rolland ] 3,017 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>En 1917, l’offensive Nivelle se traduit par un d?sastre. Situation mat?rielle et sanitaire d?plorable, carence manifeste des ?tats-majors et, bien s?r, ?prouvante promiscuit? du sang et de la mort. Influenc?s par les mouvements sociaux de l’arri?re, mais surtout lass?s par l'absurdit? des combats , des soldats se mettent ≪ en gr?ve ≫ et refusent de se battre. Longtemps couvertes par le secret d・・・(以下省略)
Treize-Septiers et ses environs【電子書籍】[ Andr? Roland ] Treize-Septiers et ses environs【電子書籍】[ Andr? Roland ] 2,452 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>D?s la premi?re image, nous embarquons pour un voyage dans le temps au c?ur de ce village au nom unique en France. Outre le patrimoine architectural, compos? de nombreux petits ?difices religieux dispers?s sur le territoire communal, dont des croix et des oratoires, nous irons ? la rencontre des anciens Septi?rois et Septi?roises.<br /> Au d?tour d’une route, d’une place ou d’une ferme, on reco・・・(以下省略)
Bible in Brief An easy way to enjoy the greatest book ever written【電子書籍】[ Rev. Andy Roland ] Bible in Brief An easy way to enjoy the greatest book ever written【電子書籍】[ Rev. Andy Roland ] 823 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>"I don't read the Bible, because it is too long and complicated."</p> <p>That's true. It is very long and very complicated. Not surprising since it took over a thousand years to write by dozens of authors.</p> <p>'Bible in Brief' offers a simple way to explore the Bible, reading a chapter a day and responding to daily questions, either in writing or online. There are notes explaining various wo・・・(以下省略)
Histoires de samoura?s : R?cits de temps h?ro?ques【電子書籍】[ Roland Habersetzer ] Histoires de samoura?s : R?cits de temps h?ro?ques【電子書籍】[ Roland Habersetzer ] 2,829 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Ils sont chevaliers de l'Extr?me-Orient. Symboles de fiert?, de courage et d'honneur, leurs aventures sont souvent des le?ons de vie. Que n'a-t-on pas ?crit sur leurs vies mouvement?es, leurs destins souvent tragiques ? Comme celle des preux de nos chansons de geste ou encore celle des h?ros des sagas des pays nordiques, leur histoire se confond d?sormais avec le mythe; et les r?cits de leurs h・・・(以下省略)
Discovering Psalms as Prayer How we can use the Psalms morning, noon and night【電子書籍】[ Rev Andy Roland ] Discovering Psalms as Prayer How we can use the Psalms morning, noon and night【電子書籍】[ Rev Andy Roland ] 823 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Are the psalms a closed book to you?</p> <p>'Discovering Psalms as prayer' explores some of the problems we have with prayer and with the psalms.</p> <p>A visit to a Christian Ashram in India showed the author how to make emotional sense of the psalms, using a pattern of prayer which has lasted him over 30 years.</p> <p>Here you will find a simple way of using various psalms at key points of th・・・(以下省略)
More Laughter Further Writings of John Roland Stahl【電子書籍】[ John Roland Stahl ] More Laughter Further Writings of John Roland Stahl【電子書籍】[ John Roland Stahl ] 363 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>“If we were to start all over again with “Nothingness,” sooner or later God would have to appear, popping into existence Himself as His laughter creates His cosmos.”</em></p> <p>John Roland Stahl is a Papermaker, Printer, Bookbinder, Philosopher, and Visionary publishing under the name of The Evanescent Press since 1971 in Montreal. He now lives in northern California.</p> <p><em>More Laugh・・・(以下省略)
Most of the Documented Commandments of Jesus Christ【電子書籍】[ Rolland E. Stroup Jr ] Most of the Documented Commandments of Jesus Christ【電子書籍】[ Rolland E. Stroup Jr ] 548 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>I have often wondered about knowing all the commandments of Jesus. Through the years I have tried to find them all in one reference point. Reading through the gospels I always found them interspersed with passages of other important information. Searching the Web I found limited numbers of them at a few different sites. I finally decided it might be worth gathering them all together in one plac・・・(以下省略)
The Racial History of Man【電子書籍】[ Roland B. Dixon ] The Racial History of Man【電子書籍】[ Roland B. Dixon ] 12,019 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>As far as the design of the book is concerned, we chose to be selectively limited, in sense of pulling the diverse information on mammalian species, for the just reason of avoiding overburden of matter and yet have deliberately tried to cover vast datum populace for each of the mammal so chosen. Further for maintaining the structural clarity, we have re-divided each chapter in systemic manner c・・・(以下省略)
Living from the Presence Interactive Manual Principles for Walking in the Overflow of God's Supernatural Power【電子書籍】[ Rolland Baker ] Living from the Presence Interactive Manual Principles for Walking in the Overflow of God's Supernatural Power【電子書籍】[ Rolland Baker ] 2,584 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>Experience the Supernatural Presence of the Holy Spirit</em><br /> <em>in Every Area of Your Life!</em></p> <p>Every follower of Jesus has received the Holy Spirit. If you have given your life to Christ, you have His very Presence living inside of you.</p> <p>And yet, <em>there is still more</em>!</p> <p>What if the same Spirit Who lives inside of you could work through you with miraculous ・・・(以下省略)

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