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Evidence-Based Applied Sport Psychology A Practitioner's Manual【電子書籍】[ Roland A. Carlstedt, PhD ] Evidence-Based Applied Sport Psychology A Practitioner's Manual【電子書籍】[ Roland A. Carlstedt, PhD ] 10,657 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This is the first book to call for a major paradigm shift in applied sport psychology by providing a wealth of systematic, scientifically validated research in a field where assessment and treatment has often been haphazard. In his quest to bring sport psychology to a higher level of validity, Dr. Carlstedt describes the most current assessment methods, intervention procedures, and promising re・・・(以下省略)
T?nk om : en studie i oro【電子書籍】[ Roland Paulsen ] T?nk om : en studie i oro【電子書籍】[ Roland Paulsen ] 781 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>N?got i samh?llet m?ste ha h?nt. Vi var inte alltid s? h?r oroliga. Inte alltid uppbundna i tankens katastrofscenarier. Vad ?r det f?r r?st som mal i huvudet? Varf?r vill den inte sluta, och varf?r har vi blivit s? upptagna av den?</p> <p>I ”T?nk om” tecknar Roland Paulsen ett panorama ?ver orons kulturella variationer och historiska utveckling. Via oron erbjuder han l?saren en djupdykning i my・・・(以下省略)
Nieuwe vervreemding Hoe technologie onze wereld betovert【電子書籍】[ Roland van der Vorst ] Nieuwe vervreemding Hoe technologie onze wereld betovert【電子書籍】[ Roland van der Vorst ] 1,615 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>‘Een van de meest invloedrijke Nederlanders voor de toekomst.’ ? de Volkskrant Sinds 2018 schrijft Roland van der Vorst wekelijks columns voor het Financieele Dagblad over technologie en innovatie. Zijn stukken kenmerken zich door tegendraadse idee?n en een heldere stijl, waarmee hij al snel een favoriet onder de lezers werd. Dit boek bundelt zijn beste stukken, die onverminderd actueel blijken・・・(以下省略)
Spirit and Life The Practice of Living by the Spirit【電子書籍】[ Roland J Lowther ] Spirit and Life The Practice of Living by the Spirit【電子書籍】[ Roland J Lowther ] 2,136 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The Apostle Paul challenged Christians to live by the Holy Spirit. But how<br /> is such a Spirit-orientated life to be envisaged? How might it be defined?<br /> In answering these questions, this remarkable book investigates Paul's<br /> concept of living by the Spirit. The radical conclusion of the book is that the<br /> Spirit-influenced Christian; engaged in a Spirit-endowed Church; aware o・・・(以下省略)
Spirit and Truth Understanding Beyond Reason【電子書籍】[ Roland J Lowther ] Spirit and Truth Understanding Beyond Reason【電子書籍】[ Roland J Lowther ] 2,028 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Can we really believe in THE truth today?</p> <p>Many people today do not believe in such a thing as the truth, but their truth. For those who are still seeking the truth, many take the pathway of reason through various philosophical endeavours. But what if that wasn't the pathway to the truth, what if there was another way to the truth that we could discover?</p> <p>Turning to Scripture rather・・・(以下省略)
Spirit and Gospel The Power of God for Salvation【電子書籍】[ Roland J Lowther ] Spirit and Gospel The Power of God for Salvation【電子書籍】[ Roland J Lowther ] 1,067 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Spirit and Gospel enables the reader to see that the Holy Spirit offers not just a fresh vision of salvation, but also the wisdom to understand it, the courage to embrace it, and the power to live it.<br /> Spirit and Gospel offers clarity on the vital subject of Christian salvation. In revisiting Paul's Gospel presentation in Romans, this book reveals how Paul uses a sequence of highly-relevan・・・(以下省略)
De toekomst is eindeloos Een open blik op digitalisering【電子書籍】[ Roland van der Vorst ] De toekomst is eindeloos Een open blik op digitalisering【電子書籍】[ Roland van der Vorst ] 1,615 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Met 'De toekomst is eindeloos' schreef Roland van der Vorst een beklemmend ?n hoopvol boek over de verregaande digitalisering van onze wereld en ons denken.</p> <p><strong>‘Een van de meest invloedrijke Nederlanders voor de toekomst.’ - <em>de Volkskrant</em></strong></p> <p><strong>‘Van der Vorst laat zich moeilijk defini?ren en geldt een beetje als een <em>Geheimtipp</em>.’ - <em>De Groene Am・・・(以下省略)
Ausbildungsf?rderungsrecht Vorschriftensammlung mit einer erl?uternden Einf?hrung【電子書籍】[ Roland Deres ] Ausbildungsf?rderungsrecht Vorschriftensammlung mit einer erl?uternden Einf?hrung【電子書籍】[ Roland Deres ] 10,800 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Die Bundesregierung hat in der 20. Legislaturperiode das Ausbildungsf?rderungsrecht grundlegend reformiert, insbesondere strukturell ver?ndert und in erheblichem Ma?e weiterentwickelt. Mit der vollst?ndig ?berarbeiteten 41. Auflage des Standardwerks wird der neuen Gesetzeslage im BAf?G wie auch in den f?r den Vollzug des Gesetzes anderweitigen Rechtsvorschriften Rechnung getragen. Der F?rderung・・・(以下省略)
Kasachstan als postsowjetischer Wohlfahrtsstaat Die Transformation des sozialen Schutzsystems【電子書籍】[ Roland Scharff ] Kasachstan als postsowjetischer Wohlfahrtsstaat Die Transformation des sozialen Schutzsystems【電子書籍】[ Roland Scharff ] 5,400 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In der ?ffentlichen Meinung steht Kasachstan dem Bild eines Petrostaates n?her als dem eines potentiell neuen Typs von Wohlfahrtsstaat. Zu Unrecht. Fortschritte und Misserfolge der Systemtransformation dieses Landes spiegeln sich im Konzept seiner Sozialpolitik und dessen Leistungen wider. ?bergeordnetes Ziel ist dabei die anhaltende Verbesserung des Wohlfahrtsniveaus und des sozialen Schutzes ・・・(以下省略)
Os m?todos mission?rios de Paulo e um estudo da expans?o da igreja【電子書籍】[ Roland Allen ] Os m?todos mission?rios de Paulo e um estudo da expans?o da igreja【電子書籍】[ Roland Allen ] 1,900 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Em Os m?todos mission?rios de Paulo, Roland Allen nos convida a examinar a obra mission?ria de Paulo, a qual o autor afirma ser o paradigma para toda obra mission?ria, uma vez que, nos acontecimentos de Atos em que Paulo estava envolvido e tamb?m em suas Cartas, vemos o ap?stolo lidar com diversos problemas e tratar de assuntos como treinamento, discipulado, finan?as e disciplina. Os m?todos mi・・・(以下省略)
White Fear How the Browning of America Is Making White Folks Lose Their Minds【電子書籍】[ Roland Martin ] White Fear How the Browning of America Is Making White Folks Lose Their Minds【電子書籍】[ Roland Martin ] 2,559 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>White Fear has shaped our democracy and society from the beginningーand today, it’s more intense and visible than ever. To neutralize it, we must first understand it.</strong></p> <p>For two centuries, the deep-seated fear that many White people feelーof losing power, of losing economic standing, of losing a particular “way of life”ーhas been the driving force behind American politics and ・・・(以下省略)
The Crimes of Jack the Ripper【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] The Crimes of Jack the Ripper【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] 450 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em><strong>"Roland provides a well-balanced overview ... extensively illustrated and with timely coverage of some of the latest theories and research."</strong></em><br /> -Stephen P. Ryder, Editor, <em>Casebook: Jack the Ripper</em></p> <p>More than a century after he stalked the streets of London's East End, Jack the Ripper continues to exert a macabre fascination on the popular imagination.・・・(以下省略)
Crime Scenes Revealing the Science Behind the Evidence【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] Crime Scenes Revealing the Science Behind the Evidence【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] 450 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In the fight against crime, science and technology now play the leading role in many of the big police investigations making news headlines. All criminals leave a little of themselves behind at the scene of their crimes and that is their undoing once CSIs start uncovering trails of clues hidden in blood or fragments of DNA. This book lets you in on the secrets of criminal investigators as well ・・・(以下省略)
In The Minds of Murderers【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] In The Minds of Murderers【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] 450 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Criminal profiling has been seen more and more in newspapers and on TV. This work explores an area of criminal detection, drawing on the more disturbing areas of psychology.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Killer Psychopaths The Inside Story of Criminal Profiling【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] Killer Psychopaths The Inside Story of Criminal Profiling【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] 450 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Discover the psychological motivations behind the world's most dangerous killers.</strong></p> <p>In <em>Killer Psychopaths</em>, Paul Roland examines reveals the methods and insights behind criminal profiling that have helped bring some of the world's worst criminals to justice. Drawing on the harrowing real-life experiences of leading profilers and forensic psychologists, he examines ・・・(以下省略)
The Crimes of Jack the Ripper The Whitechapel Murders Re-Examined【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] The Crimes of Jack the Ripper The Whitechapel Murders Re-Examined【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] 450 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em><strong>"Roland provides a well-balanced overview ... extensively illustrated and with timely coverage of some of the latest theories and research."</strong></em><br /> -Stephen P. Ryder, Editor, <em>Casebook: Jack the Ripper</em></p> <p>More than a century after he stalked the streets of London's East End, Jack the Ripper continues to exert a macabre fascination on the popular imagination.・・・(以下省略)
The Crimes of Jack the Ripper【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] The Crimes of Jack the Ripper【電子書籍】[ Paul Roland ] 450 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em><strong>"Roland provides a well-balanced overview ... extensively illustrated and with timely coverage of some of the latest theories and research."</strong></em><br /> -Stephen P. Ryder, Editor, <em>Casebook: Jack the Ripper</em></p> <p>More than a century after he stalked the streets of London's East End, Jack the Ripper continues to exert a macabre fascination on the popular imagination.・・・(以下省略)
Cos'? uno scandalo【電子書籍】[ Roland Barthes ] Cos'? uno scandalo【電子書籍】[ Roland Barthes ] 1,430 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Intelligenza di straordinaria duttilit?, fecondo interprete degli immaginari novecenteschi, sottile indagatore del desiderio dei corpi e del piacere dei testi: Roland Barthes ? presente in tutta la sua brillantezza e leggiadra profondit? in questa ricca messe di scritti finora mai pubblicati in Italia che raccoglie saggi sulla letteratura francese (Proust, Gide, Camus), cronache di vita intima ・・・(以下省略)
Cryptolawgy: A Guidebook on Crypto Contracts and Litigation CRYPTOLAWGY, #2【電子書籍】[ Dah (Prince) Roland Amoussou ] Cryptolawgy: A Guidebook on Crypto Contracts and Litigation CRYPTOLAWGY, #2【電子書籍】[ Dah (Prince) Roland Amoussou ] 6,500 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>"Cryptolawgy: A Guidebook on Crypto Contracts and Litigation"</p> <p>Following the success of "Cryptolawgy: A Pioneering Resource on Crypto Laws and Regulations," Dah (Prince) Roland Amoussou has released a highly anticipated follow-up: "Cryptolawgy: A Guidebook on Crypto Contracts and Litigation." This new volume responds to the growing demand for practical guidance on legal issues in the cryp・・・(以下省略)
Mythologies Lib/E: The Complete Edition, in a New Translation MYTHOLOGIES LIB/E D [ Roland Barthes ] Mythologies Lib/E: The Complete Edition, in a New Translation MYTHOLOGIES LIB/E D [ Roland Barthes ] 11,404 円 楽天ブックス
MYTHOLOGIES LIB/E D Roland Barthes John Lee TANTOR AUDIO2012 Compact Disc English ISBN:9798200083435 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Social Science

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