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Kid Beowulf: The Song of Roland KID BEOWULF THE SONG OF ROLAND (Kid Beowulf) [ Alexis E. Fajardo ] Kid Beowulf: The Song of Roland KID BEOWULF THE SONG OF ROLAND (Kid Beowulf) [ Alexis E. Fajardo ] 2,059 円
KID BEOWULF THE SONG OF ROLAND Kid Beowulf Alexis E. Fajardo ANDREWS & MCMEEL2017 Paperback English ISBN:9781449475901 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
Un meraviglioso viaggio avventuroso attraverso mondi favolosi Una raccolta di 20 favole magiche per tutti i bambini dai 2 ai 6 anni【電子書籍】[ Roland Brandt ] Un meraviglioso viaggio avventuroso attraverso mondi favolosi Una raccolta di 20 favole magiche per tutti i bambini dai 2 ai 6 anni【電子書籍】[ Roland Brandt ] 672 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Immergiti in un mondo di avventure, magia e storie favolose! In questa raccolta di 20 magiche storie, accompagna i bambini nel loro viaggio attraverso mondi fantastici pieni di meraviglia e mistero.</p> <p>Scopri lo sfacciato folletto, il simpatico drago e la foresta incantata che ti apriranno un mondo di sorprese e scoperte.</p> <p>Ogni storia ? un'avventura in s?, che stimola l'immaginazione ・・・(以下省略)
<p><em><strong>Magical Friends</strong></em></p> <p>In the magical realm of Enchantia, Fairies, Goblins, and Dragons once shared an unbreakable bond of friendship. However, when greed and envy poisoned the hearts of Goblins and Dragons, the Fairy Queen, Seraphina, was heartbroken and banished them, shattering the trust that once held their community together.</p> <p>Years later, a young Fairy name・・・(以下省略)
Because You are so Unique 20 Stories about Self-esteem, Individuality and Acceptance【電子書籍】[ Roland Brandt ] Because You are so Unique 20 Stories about Self-esteem, Individuality and Acceptance【電子書籍】[ Roland Brandt ] 672 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>"Because You Are So Unique" is an enchanting children's book consisting of 20 stories, all centered on the theme of self-esteem, individuality and acceptance. The stories are full of adventure, magic and emotion and will inspire young readers to celebrate their own uniqueness.</p> <p>The first story, "The Frightened Lion and His Fight Against Fear," tells the story of a lion who must overcome h・・・(以下省略)
Tentacles【電子書籍】[ Roland Smith ] Tentacles【電子書籍】[ Roland Smith ] 854 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
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Storie della buonanotte per piccoli sognatori 20 racconti per bambini dai 3 anni【電子書籍】[ Roland Brandt ] Storie della buonanotte per piccoli sognatori 20 racconti per bambini dai 3 anni【電子書籍】[ Roland Brandt ] 672 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>"Storie della buonanotte per piccoli sognatori" ? una raccolta di 20 brevi storie a misura di bambino appositamente progettate per i bambini dai 3 anni in su.</p> <p>Ogni storia invita i piccoli lettori a immergersi in un magico mondo di fantasia e avventura, vivendo momenti da sogno prima di addormentarsi dolcemente.</p> <p>Le storie parlano di animali coraggiosi, maghi, principesse e altre cr・・・(以下省略)
Kleine Helden ganz gro? 30 Gute Nacht Geschichten ?ber Tapferkeit und Selbstvertrauen【電子書籍】[ Roland Brandt ] Kleine Helden ganz gro? 30 Gute Nacht Geschichten ?ber Tapferkeit und Selbstvertrauen【電子書籍】[ Roland Brandt ] 672 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>"Kleine Helden ganz gro?" ist ein Buch voller Abenteuer, in dem Kinder ab 3 Jahren lernen k?nnen, wie man tapfer ist und Selbstvertrauen gewinnt. Die 30 Geschichten erz?hlen von verschiedenen Helden, die ihre ?ngste ?berwinden und ihre F?higkeiten nutzen, um schwierige Situationen zu meistern.</p> <p>Die Leser werden mit auf eine Reise genommen, auf der sie einen mutigen Elefanten begegnen, der・・・(以下省略)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 2nd Edition Iconic Supreme Court Justice【電子書籍】[ James Roland ] Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 2nd Edition Iconic Supreme Court Justice【電子書籍】[ James Roland ] 1,174 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In 1993 Ruth Bader Ginsburg became the second female justice to serve on the United States Supreme Court. This honor for Ginsburg also marked a turning point for women in the field of law. Ginsburg had endured great adversity to achieve her Supreme Court appointment. As a Jewish woman coming of age in the 1950s, she dealt with not only anti-Semitism but also gender discrimination. And even thou・・・(以下省略)
Sparkle On! An Unpacked Sparkle Children’s Story【電子書籍】[ Patrick A. Roland ] Sparkle On! An Unpacked Sparkle Children’s Story【電子書籍】[ Patrick A. Roland ] 452 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Have you ever dealt with bullying or hate at school for being different? So has Sparkle. The bullies at this special gecko’s school constantly tease him and even throw rocks at him for being unique. But Sparkle has a secret weaponーhis mother has taught him to love himself exactly as he is and he is able to take the pain of being bullied and find power and new popularity in fighting that hate wi・・・(以下省略)
Peak【電子書籍】[ Roland Smith ] Peak【電子書籍】[ Roland Smith ] 741 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>The only thing you’ll find on the summit of Mount Everest is a divine view. The things that really matter lie far below.</em> <em>?Peak Marcello</em></p> <p>After fourteen-year-old Peak Marcello is arrested for scaling a New York City skyscraper, he’s left with a choice: wither away in juvenile detention or fly to Kathmandu with his long-lost father. Peak quickly learns that his father’s re・・・(以下省略)
Mutation (Cryptid Hunters, Book 4)【電子書籍】[ Roland Smith ] Mutation (Cryptid Hunters, Book 4)【電子書籍】[ Roland Smith ] 747 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Monsters of legend come to life! The final thrilling title in Roland Smith's popular Cryptid Hunters series.</p> <p>Marty and his best friend, Luther, have managed to rescue Marty's cousin Grace from the clutches of the nefarious pseudo-naturalist Noah Blackwood, but their most dangerous mission lies ahead of them. Marty's parents have been missing in Brazil for months, and their trail has all ・・・(以下省略)
Harvey Plumstead and the Dinnertime Dog【電子書籍】[ Roland Bond ] Harvey Plumstead and the Dinnertime Dog【電子書籍】[ Roland Bond ] 607 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>It is dinnertime at Middlemoor Primary School, and ten-year-old Harvey Plumstead is in the playground with his friends. Although he has a reputation for being a troublesome boy, Harvey is never deliberately naughty. But he must be the unluckiest boy in the world because everything he touches turns out to be a complete disaster. Perhaps things will be different today. When a large dog appears on・・・(以下省略)
Storm Runners: The Surge STORM RUNNERS SURGE (Storm Runners Trilogy (Hardcover)) [ Roland Smith ] Storm Runners: The Surge STORM RUNNERS SURGE (Storm Runners Trilogy (Hardcover)) [ Roland Smith ] 2,692 円
STORM RUNNERS SURGE Storm Runners Trilogy (Hardcover) Roland Smith SCHOLASTIC BK SERVICES2011 Hardcover English ISBN:9780545081795 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
Un amour sur mesure【電子書籍】[ Roland Fuent?s ] Un amour sur mesure【電子書籍】[ Roland Fuent?s ] 715 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Dans le pays de Micromagne, deux habitants sont si malheureux que m?me le soleil a honte de briller.</p> <p>Garganton et Mimolette, ? cause de leur diff?rence, sont m?pris?s et exclus. Pour combler cette solitude qui leur p?se trop, ils d?cident, chacun de leur c?t?, de chercher un compagnon. Mais, face ? l'intol?rance, ils sont une fois de plus mis ? l'?cart. Mais un jour, ils se rencontrent..・・・(以下省略)
Roland the Minstrel Pig ROLAND THE MINSTREL PIG [ William Steig ] Roland the Minstrel Pig ROLAND THE MINSTREL PIG [ William Steig ] 1,425 円
ROLAND THE MINSTREL PIG William Steig SQUARE FISH2016 Paperback English ISBN:9781250057624 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
How LEDs Work【電子書籍】[ James Roland ] How LEDs Work【電子書籍】[ James Roland ] 567 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Have you ever wondered how the lights in your alarm clock work? Or have you ever considered how that tiny red light in your TV remote control sends a signal that helps you find your favorite show? What these and countless other bright devices have in common is a light-emitting diode, or LED. But how does an LED work? How is it different from other lightbulbs? Explore the key concepts that make ・・・(以下省略)
Beneath BENEATH [ Roland Smith ] Beneath BENEATH [ Roland Smith ] 2,692 円
BENEATH Roland Smith SCHOLASTIC2015 Hardcover English ISBN:9780545564861 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
The Wildes: The Vaquita WILDES THE VAQUITA (The Wildes) [ Roland Smith ] The Wildes: The Vaquita WILDES THE VAQUITA (The Wildes) [ Roland Smith ] 2,851 円 楽天ブックス
WILDES THE VAQUITA The Wildes Roland Smith SLEEPING BEAR PR2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9781534113077 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
Jimmy-Flitz die Schweizermaus Vier wilde Tiere auf einer Reise zu alten Kulturen und magischen Orten der Schweiz【電子書籍】[ Roland Zoss ] Jimmy-Flitz die Schweizermaus Vier wilde Tiere auf einer Reise zu alten Kulturen und magischen Orten der Schweiz【電子書籍】[ Roland Zoss ] 1,334 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Die schr?ge Reise in die vier Ecken der Schweiz beginnt auf der langen Nase der Kirchenmaus Jimmy-Flitz, als die Tigerfliege notlanden muss. Die zwei Kleinen begegnen bei ihren Abenteuern zu Fuss, Zug, Fl?gel und Ballon einem ganz Grossen Dritten: dem B?rwolf und einem Luchs, der an der Autobahn seine Mama sucht. Sie reisen vom blauen Menhir zur Schwarzen Madonna und ?ber die Teufelsbr?cke ins ・・・(以下省略)
Monkey Me and the School Ghost MONKEY ME & THE SCHOOL GHOST (Monkey Me) [ Timothy Roland ] Monkey Me and the School Ghost MONKEY ME & THE SCHOOL GHOST (Monkey Me) [ Timothy Roland ] 4,083 円
MONKEY ME & THE SCHOOL GHOST Monkey Me Timothy Roland SCHOLASTIC BK SERVICES2014 Hardcover English ISBN:9780545559904 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction

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